Kiga_2Looking for long term(11months) EVS volunteers  at Kindergarten Elisabethenheim in Germany

Venue: Wurzburg, which lies about equidistant from Frankfurt am Main and from Nuremberg

Project Environment:

The age group of the kindergarden starts from 2 y.o. The oldest children attend the age-homogeneous pre-school group. We also take on disabled children in the sense of single integration.

The pedagogical concept is based on the life-oriented approach and is characterized by Christian values. Thus, social and religious education go hand in hand. It forms the basis for a tolerant and open togetherness, where other denominations and disabled find space, respect and appreciation. The life-based approach is an educational approach to early childhood education that focuses on the life and learning of the child. This means that through the value-based educational goals, the child achieves the following attitudes toward his present and future life:Kiga_1

More Information about the Kindergarden:


The volunteers live  in student houses or in  flats together .


All costs are covered according to Erasmus+ rules.

How to Apply?

Send your CV and Motivation Letter together with 2 photos from your daily life with the title EVS_Elisabethenheim to


-CV must contain your date of birth

-Motivation Letter should be unique for this projectKiga_4

-Applications missin the TITLE and the other requirements  won’t be considered.

NOTE! Future in Our Hands is coordinating only applicantions from Armenia

DEADLINE: 15.12.2017

One Thought to “Call for EVS volunteers: Project at kindergarden in Germany”

  1. Robert

    What does it mean (2 photos from your daily life)?
    What kind of photos must be?

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